20130327: Levick signs with Show
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Levick will be an important part in strengthening the AFC Show offensive line. Last year saw US imports Cody McDermott and Jake Dembow lead the charge on the offensive line; 2013 is a different situation with different personell. Also gone from 2012's offensive line is longtime starter Henning Andersen.​​​​ Tom Levick will be joining this year's unit, which will include such players as up-and-coming youngsters Jon Erik de Vries and Fredrik Bjørheim, longtime starters Eivind Amdal and Joel Galmor, veteran Jarle Vangsnes, and the very promising farm team player Simon Østebøvik from the Tønsberg Raiders.

Levick was the​​ offensive MVP of the Birmingham Bulls in both 2011 and 2012, and was voted to the BUAFL All Star team as Center for the 2011/2012 season. We are excited to have Tom join us for our 2013 campaign: AFC Show welcomes Tom Levick to our team, and we look forward to seeing him on the practice field, at Balanz fitness center, and on the field during the season!​​

No, we're not going to make a joke involving French and le Quarterback de Eagles Philadelphia, Vick. This is serious business:

​British offensive lineman Thomas Levick is the latest addition to AFC Show, as he will join the Stavanger team in April.

Levick​​, who has his playing background from the Birmingham Bulls senior team and Birmingham Lions university team, is currently also a player for the British national team - the Great Britain Lions.​​
Tom Levick