20111025: AFC Show player testing skills on national TV
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An even better version of the highlight film can be found here.

Information about the TV2 show "Amatørenes Aften" can be found here.

AFC Show's runningback Simon Olsen is currently spending his days at Angelo State University in Texas. At the same time, he will feature on national TV in Norway on Wednesday the 26th of October, as he is a contestant in TV2's "Amatørenes Aften", a program that pretty much copies the concept of "Joes vs Pros".

Olsen, who filmed the show earlier this year, gets to test his skills against veteran professional athletes. As both AFC Show players and opposing players can attest, Simon Olsen is a very gifted athlete himself, and will no doubt make an impression when he gets the chance to show off his skills on TV. "Amatørenes Aften" airs on TV2 Zebra at 20:00 local time each Wednesday.

Check out the video consisting of Simon Olsen highlights.